At Charford First School we believe that regular attendance and good punctuality is crucial if children are to benefit from their education and achieve their potential. Research shows that children with good attendance achieve better at school than pupils with lower attendance.
We aim to build a culture and ethos where children want to be at school and engage with all the opportunities that we offer. We recognise that good attendance is part of a wider approach to education that includes a supportive and engaging learning environment and positive relationships between pupils, staff and families to enable children to thrive and succeed during their time in school.
There is an expectation that children attend school every day that school is open to pupils and that children arrive on time at school and ready to learn. Pupils should only be absent from school if there is a valid reason.
We aim to work with families to promote good attendance for all pupils. Our Attendance Policy is published on our school website and parents/carers are kept informed of any changes to attendance procedures through our school communication systems.
Any child arriving after this time will need to enter via main school office and be signed in by an adult. This will be recorded as a late mark.
Any child arriving after registers close will be marked as unauthorised absence (a missed mark for that session) rather than lateness unless a valid reason is provided such as an appointment.
Parents/carers can notify the school of any absences via:
The reason for absence will be inputted on the attendance register. If no valid reason is provided within 5 school days then the absence will be unauthorised.
Holiday Requests - DfE guidance states that headteachers should only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances therefore it is unlikely a leave of absence will be granted for a family holiday.
If an application for leave is made but not granted, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised if the absence is still taken.
Any requests for leave should be made in writing and give enough time for the school to provide a written response.