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Charford First School

Language Support (EAL)

English as an Additional Language recognises that a child already speaks and/or understands another language and is adding English to their repertoire.  

Children who are learning English as an additional language may be at varying stages in their acquisition of the language. They may be just beginning to learn English, for example they may have just arrived in our area from another country, or they may be fluent in speaking and understanding English but may usually speak another language in the home and community environment. 

It is not assumed that a child learning English as an Additional Language has a Special Educational need. 

The SEN Code of Practice makes this clear, stating: 

“Children must not be regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because the language or form of language of their home is different from the language in which they will be taught.” 

At Charford First School, children who are learning English as an Additional Language will be supported through adaptations within high quality teaching. This may include higher levels of visual supports, for example images to accompany new vocabulary, pre-teaching topic vocabulary or concepts and working with a supportive Learning Partner.  

Targeted support may include provision to develop language and understanding in a small group, pair or one to one. 

