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Charford First School

Support for Medical Conditions

Medication in School

We only administer medicines in school that have been prescribed by a doctor. They must be sent into school, in the original packaging with all the pharmacy labels still present.

We can only administer medicines at lunchtime due to staffing, and will only administer medicines that are required 4 times a day. By doing this, your child is able to have a dose in the morning, one at school, one at the end of school and one at bedtime. 

No medicines required less than 4 times a day will be taken in school.

If your child attends Little Treasures, a dose can be administered at the end of the school day, again only for medicines taken 4 times a day.


Signing in Medicines

Medicines must be signed in at the office, on the day of the first dose, and then anytime a new fulfilment of that medicine is sent in. For example, if a child is on a 14 day course, normally the first fulfilment is for 10 days, on day 11, the medicine must be brought to the office to be recorded on the original form.

Forms take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.



Mrs Mansell is the school's lead first aider. Any queries around medicines should be directed to her. To discuss a medicine, phone the school office and ask to speak to Mrs Mansell. 

DfE Guidelines

The Department for Education has issued new statutory guidelines with regard to the administration of medicines in school.


Please click the link below for further information.
