The aim for our children is for them to become active citizens with a range of skills and knowledge to support them in future job opportunities. We aim to provide the children with an in-depth Computing Curriculum, designed to enable the children to develop computational thinking skills, digital literacy skills and IT skills. The children will have opportunity to use a range of different technologies, developing skills to underpin their learning throughout their education. They will be able to confidently solve a range of problems. They will have confidence in themselves and their abilities, setting themselves aspirational goals and working hard to achieve them, showing determination and resilience when faced with challenge.
A Charford Technician will…
• become digitally literate and be prepared for the future workplace
• think creatively, evaluate and apply
• develop their ideas through, information and communication technology
• be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
• analyse problems and write computer programs in order to solve them
Computational Thinking – about being logical thinkers, breaking down problems and solving them, both with or without a computer.
Computer Science – the understanding of how digital systems work and how to use this knowledge to write computer programs. Children will learn key concepts such as: decomposition, abstraction, debugging, algorithms, sequencing and variables. This will enable them to develop logical reasoning and problem solving skills, which can be used across a wide range of subjects. The children are also taught about computer networks, parts of a computer and how packets of data are sent via the internet.
Digital Literacy – The E-safety elements of the curriculum. The children are taught about how to stay safe online: cyber-bullying, social media etiquette, safe passwords, privacy settings and issues related to copyright and plagiarism, to name a few.
Information Technology – the skills required to produce work using computers, such as creating presentations, publishing work, taking photos and videos, and creating digital artwork.
Programme of Study and Long-Term Plan